Mathematics - Highfields Infants' And Junior Schools



Highfield infants043Maths Intent

At Highfield, we want our children to be confident mathematicians who can problem solve and use reasoning skills.

Our curriculum is designed to build on children’s prior learning and develop the fundamental skills they will need. This includes place value, times tables, number bonds and arithmetic which not only supports mastery and fluency across the curriculum but develops important life skills.


At Highfield, mathematical skills are taught following a curriculum based on White Rose Maths. All lessons include elements of problem solving and reasoning alongside regular practice of fluency skills. We develop children’s understanding, moving from concrete to pictorial, and finally onto abstract.

Concrete – children use concrete objects and manipulatives to help them understand and explain what they are doing.

Pictorial – children then build on this concrete approach by using pictorial representations, which can then be used to reason and solve problems.

Abstract – With the foundations firmly laid, children can move to an abstract approach using numbers and key concepts with confidence.

All children are encouraged to use mathematical language to explain their ideas and develop their reasoning skills.


At Highfield, we expect our children to be able to quickly recall number facts and procedures allowing them to make progress in all areas of the maths curriculum.   

We believe that a mathematical concept or skill has been mastered when a child can show it in multiple ways, using the mathematical language to explain their reasoning, independently applying the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations. This is what we intend all our children to achieve.

At Highfield we aim for all children to leave us with the confidence, skills and understanding that they need in order to proceed with success at secondary school and beyond.

Progression of Skills - Maths

Highfield Calculation Policies

Maths Support for your Child at Home


The online lessons, as well as the activities, give great support and revision for the work that is being covered in class MyMaths


Use this to increase speed and fluency of the multiplication facts


Times Tables Songs

Times tables collection 

BBC Teach

Support for EYFS

A popular program that supports early number facts

BBC iPlayer - Numberblocks

Infant Maths activities

Games and activities for children to support work being covered in class

KS1 Maths - England - BBC Bitesize Infant lessons and activities

Short tutorial videos and activities to guide and support with maths

KS1 Mathematics and Numeracy - Northern Ireland - BBC Bitesize

Junior Maths Activities

Games and activities for children to support work being covered in class

KS2 Maths - BBC Bitesize Junior lessons and activities

Short tutorial videos and activities to guide and support with maths

KS2 Mathematics and Numeracy - Northern Ireland - BBC Bitesize

Maths Games

This games are fun and encourage rapid recall of number facts such and multiplication tables and number bonds

Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (

Maths Games

More quick-fire games to develop mental agility and calculation

Number Games | Learn Online with These Free Fraction and Multiplication Games (

Bar Model Practise

A selection of questions and tasks using the bar-model method

Thinking Blocks | Model and Solve Math Word Problems (

Year 1 Knowledge Organiser

Year 2 Knowledge Organiser

Year 3 Knowledge Organiser

Year 4 Knowledge Organiser

Year 5 Knowledge Organiser

Year 6 Knowledge Organiser